How To Invest

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Photo by Anna Nekrashevich from Pexels

SnaZish Solar & Blockchain Investors

How to become an Angle or Seed Investor in SnaZish Solar & Blockchain

Seed Capital Equity Investors: Help fund the initial seed capital requirements of SnaZish Solar & Blockchain for a share of the equity, profit and future projects. This website and it’s contents are for general investor information and not an offer, solicitation or investment advise. For detailed seed investor qualification requirements, investor information, including the Executive Summary and Financial Projections please visit our crowd funding site.

Starting from modest means our mission is to grow and develop thousands of mega watts of solar generated electricity through out the United States. We plan on building multiple solar powered micro grids of 2 Mega Watts to 10 Mega Watts close to electrical consumers.

Calling all angle and corporate investors that are seeking an environmentally responsible investment opportunity in clean solar power generation based in the United States.

Why Invest in SnaZish Solar & Blockchain?


Solar energy is green in a number of ways, it is renewable with a low carbon and pollution footprint compared to traditional sources of electricity.

Positive ROI

With a focus on profits and a positive cash flow when compared to other solar farms, we offer an above average return on investment (ROI) for green energy investments.

Rapid Growth

Our positive profit and cash flow projections will give us the ability to rapidly expand our primary mission, which is to keep growing our renewable solar energy production.

Proven Management

Managed by a seasoned “Boot Strap” entrepreneur, with an second nature not to waste resources, and with a laser focus on return on investment.

Unique Strategy

Our long term strategy is to ensure that our green energy assets are financially self sustainable, by this we mean, that our energy production will continue to expand from it’s own internal cash flow.

Innovative Tech

Our long term plan is to support new technologies that are sound alternatives to current lithium ion battery tech that may include sodium and hydrogen clean battery/ storage solutions.

Huge Market!

With the Federal and State governments pushing for more clean energy, there is now a booming demand for additional sources of clean electricity for residential, commercial, and industrial customers.

Solves A Problem

Did you know that in 2013 the U.S. lost an estimated 69 trillion Btu simply due to line loss over a vast and aging electrical grid. The old centralized electricity production model has shown to be inefficient, with ongoing reliability issues across the country, and skyrocketing prices.

Part of The Solution

We offer investors an environmentally responsible and close to zero carbon investment opportunity that will help us be part of the solution and not part of the problem

* DISCLAIMERS: Please click link for a full list of all Disclaimers including the High Risk Disclaimer

“Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.”

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SnaZish Solar & Blockchain
A Green Solar Energy Company
Manager Of The Official Asset Based Crypto Token – The WATT Token
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The WATT Token
Linked To A Solar Watt Of Electricity

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