A Little About Us

SnaZish Solar & Blockchain are pioneers in combining green solar energy and blockchain technology to achieve an improved return on solar infrastructure investments.

We Are More Than Just A Green Solar Energy Company!

Support the development of sun powered technology and real world projects that are intended to change the world!

Our vision is to combine the latest technologies to build multiple solar powered micro grids to support a truly green blockchain computing infrastructure. The combination of the latest technologies will ensure that all our technology infrastructure will use renewable green energy while also contributing to local city and county power production over a longer strategic time line.

Starting from modest means our mission is to grow and develop thousands of mega watts of solar generated electricity through out the United States. We plan to build multiple solar powered micro grids that are between 2 to 10 Mega Watts each, they will be located relatively close to small towns and urban areas. The reason for the micro grid distribution model, is to reduce line loss (which can be as much as a 30% loss of all electricity produced) and improve overall efficiencies by bringing the power production closer to the power consumers. We will start in Austin/San Antonio Texas and then expand into other cities and states that are eager to expand their clean renewable energy infrastructure.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Entrepreneurial Management Team

Management: A Serial entrepreneur and manager with over 25 years of experience.

SnaZish Solar & Bockchain is lead by a serial entrepreneur that has started and grown multi business in a wide and diverse range of industries from manufacturing to services. An accomplished, multidisciplinary operations executive with a proven track record, strong business leadership, strategic vision, a seasoned entrepreneur with a reputation built upon 25+ years of executive and project management experience. A management team that has the vision and ability to create new, unique products, concepts and businesses quickly. With expertise in analyzing trends, developing strategies and unique products and services to meet the business’s needs. Experienced in developing a strategic plan, and then executing that plan, while adapting to market changes and challenges for the best possible ROI to maximize profits, growth and cash flow to ensure a long-term sustainable business.

See the Executive Summary for more details on the management team.

The Founder of SnaZish Solar & Blockchain


* DISCLAIMERS: Please click link for a full list of all Disclaimers including the High Risk Disclaimer

“One of the hardest things to do in technology is to disrupt yourself.”

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WATT Token WebsiteWATT-token.org/

SnaZish Solar & Blockchain
A Green Solar Energy Company
Manager Of The Official Asset Based Crypto Token – The WATT Token
Privacy Policy

The WATT Token
Linked To A Solar Watt Of Electricity

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